Contact / Donations
You can contact us at the following addresses:
Thomas Brunner
Address: Kahrener Hauptstr. 19, 03051 Cottbus, GermanyTel.: 0355 4 88 74 80
Clara Steinkellner
Address: Rotenhofgasse 41/36, 1100 Wien, AustriaTel.: 00043-1-6991797
email: kontakt[at]
For the endowment fund of the FIE, as well as for different activities such as confer-ences, events, publications etc. financial means are needed – even small donations will find useful application!
Bank account
GLS Treuhand e.V.Account number: 13 022 710
Bank code: 430 609 67
Note to payee: 41050 Freie Bildungsstiftung (! please always declare !)
IBAN: DE634306 0967 0013 0227 10
In order to be able to issue you a donation receipt, please send your address to the above mentioned email. As soon as your donation has entered the account, we will send you a donation receipt for it.