Foundation Board - Clara Steinkellner

Clara Steinkellner

was born in 1985 and grew up in Graz, Austria. Her schooltime was spent at the Karl-Schubert-School, a Waldorfschool that at that time was still in the developing phase. She spent threeyears of her upper school at the Free Waldorf School in Graz. After participating in a number of landscape art projects she spent several months in Ireland after which she wrote an essay on the Celtic Christianity. Clara Steinkellner graduated school in 2004 finishing with a main focus on Musik (violin) and the romanian folk dances of Bela Bartok. She spent a voluntary social year at Concordia, a relief organization for street children in Bukarest which until toady have led to numerous contacts to Romania. Clara Steinkellner studied International Development, German and Romanian Language at the University in Vienna and has been working together with Thomas Brunner since 2006. At whitsun 2007 she organized the conference "The task of civil society in times of economic globalization" in the Viennese Amerling-House. Co-initiator of the Foundation for Independent Education (FIE)

